
Wednesday, 29 April 2020

How to Prepare for a Video Interview

Anna Johnstone, Women Returners Senior Coach, has created a short webinar on "How to Prepare for a Virtual Interview Process" as part of our new series to support our network through the COVID-19 crisis. Here's a summary of some of the key points, with a link at the end if you want to watch the full 15 minute webinar.

If you’re on a career break and it’s been a long time since you’ve had a job interview, then you may be feeling nervous and uncertain about the interview process. Given the current situation, where your interview is likely to be virtual, your worries might be heightened. We have some top tips here to help you prepare and feel more calm and confident about having a successful video interview.

1. Recognise the advantages of virtual interviews 

Yes, you may lose some visual cues from your interviewer and it can be trickier to build rapport. However, on the plus side, you're in a familiar home environment and you can have all your preparation notes and your CV right next to you in case you need a prompt during the interview.

2. Familiarise yourself with the technology beforehand

Taking these few steps in advance of your interview will help ensure everything runs smoothly on the day:
  • If your interview is via video, maximise your broadband speed – ideally it should be at least 10-15Mbps. If you can, use an ethernet cable to plug directly in to your router as this will give a faster and more reliable connection. On the day, try to make sure others in your household are not using the internet at the same time. Close any cloud-based applications e.g. Spotify, Dropbox as they’ll be using precious bandwidth
  • Whichever application your interviewer has proposed using (e.g. Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams) download and practise using it beforehand with a friend or family member. Review helpful online guides so that you know how to do things like switch video or audio on and off, share your screen or hide your self-view if you find that distracting
  • Check and adjust the video angle so that your camera is looking straight at you – use some thick hardback books underneath your laptop or tablet if needed to elevate it. Make sure your face can be seen clearly and there is no shadow or glare from the side
  • Ensure your audio is clear – you may prefer to use a headset if you have one.
3. Prepare your interview responses & questions thoroughly

Even though a virtual interview may feel slightly less formal or you may have your preparation notes and CV to hand, it is still vital to prepare thoroughly so that you have clear, succinct and confident responses.
  • Ask beforehand about the structure and length of the interview, as well as the competences they are looking for and the type of questions you might be asked – in that way you can focus your preparation.
  • Do your research on the organisation, department and role and prepare 2 or 3 questions that you’d like to ask – an interview is still a two-way process.
  • Prepare responses to two typical types of questions. 1. General questions e.g. ‘Why are you interested in this role?’ or ‘What are your top 3 strengths?’; and 2. Competence-based questions e.g. ‘Give me an example of when you……’. Prepare for competence questions using the S.T.A.R format.
4. Take time to prepare on the day 
  • Find a moment beforehand to gather your thoughts and take some deep breaths. Remind yourself of all your strengths, experience and achievements. 
  • Dress professionally, head-to-toe – just in case you need to stand up!
  • For the interview, find a quiet spot without distractions – this can be challenging at the moment but do your best!
  • Make sure your backdrop is professional and the lighting is good.
  • Have your CV & preparation notes to hand
5. Consider your non-verbal behaviours
  • Only switch your video on when the interviewer joins – that way you can enter confidently
  • Vary your tone of voice to convey your energy and enthusiasm for the role and organisation
  • Sit up tall and confidently
  • Keep eye contact
  • Smile!!

We wish you the best of luck!

For more tips watch our pre-recorded webinar: How to Prepare for a Virtual Interview Process presented by Women Returners Anna Johnstone [15 mins]

Thursday, 16 April 2020

How to Manage Uncertainty and Take Control

Hazel Little, Women Returners Client and Relationship Director, has created a short webinar on "How to Manage Uncertainty and Take Control" as part of our new series to support our network through the COVID-19 crisis. Here's a summary of some of the key points, with a link at the end if you want to watch the full 10 minute webinar.

In times of uncertainty we can feel overwhelmed. It’s difficult to know where to start, what to do and importantly how to switch off from it all. The pandemic is changing how we live and it’s changing it fast. All of this can make us feel anxious and worried and we risk getting into a negative downward spiral.

Rational v. Emotional

Extreme uncertainty and lack of control affect us mentally. Our rational brains have stepped to the side and our emotional brains are in the driving seat. When we are led by our emotions it makes it difficult to see things clearly, but there is a positive side. Understanding how we feel and what we’re anxious about, can drive us to take control and motivate us to take action.

Taking Control

Stephen Covey’s Circle of Concern is a great framework to help you to work out what actions you can take. 

How to Stop Worrying - The Circle of Control - Customizing Life

  • There will be a large number of different things that you are concerned about right now, including how the crisis will impact your return to work. Identify and write a long list of these concerns - these populate your Circle of Concern
  • Flag those concerns where you can directly control the outcome - these come within your Circle of Control  
  • For the remainder, challenge yourself to see if there is any action at all you can take to influence a positive outcome. If so, these come under your Circle of Influence. For example, your concern might be “employers have put recruitment on hold, I’m not going to be able to return to work”; you can’t control when they start recruiting again but you can influence the outcome by getting your CV updated or make use of free courses to upskill online to ensure you are in a stronger position when the time is right to apply.

Focus as much as possible of your time, energy and attention on addressing concerns within the Circles of Control and Influence, rather than focusing on what is out of your control. You may well find that your Circle of Influence gets bigger if you think this way. By deliberately taking relevant actions to improve the outcome, you are likely to feel more productive, calmer and happier.

Other Top Tips to Manage Uncertainty
  1. Surround yourself with positive people – stay connected with your support groups and seek out people who help you to feel more optimistic
  2. If you've time, look for growth opportunities - upskill online or read articles relating your field. This will help you feel more knowledgeable and it’s great distraction
  3. Set small achievable goals - refresh your CV/cover letter or prepare for a virtual interview process, taking it a couple of small steps at a time
  4. Look after yourself – you're on an emotional roller coaster and that is draining both psychically and mentally. Read a book, enjoy a little quiet time, be kind to yourself.

Find out more

In our short webinar, How to Manage Uncertainty and Take Control, you’ll find more information on the nature of uncertainty, the importance of regaining control and advice on how to look after your emotional well-being.  You can watch the webinar here.

For more details on our COVID-19 Support Webinars see: Free Webinar Series